OPENING + SESSION 1: Regulatory advances in highly automated driving
22 March 2021
13:00 - 16:00
The United Nations’ Economic Commission for Europe has created a working group at the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) that is helping to shape the direction and scope of road vehicle technical regulations for automated vehicles around the world. This expert group that is led by Germany gathers together the regulators from all continents (Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania). The group’s activities include discussions, drafting guidelines and developing technical regulations, as appropriate. It recently approved a new UN Regulation No. 157 for highly automated driving up to 60 kph on motorways, but this is recognised as a starting point. Ambitious activities, defined in the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles, are moving ahead quickly under the remit of three informal technical groups: covering ADS, under the lead of China, Germany and the USA at the Group on Functional requirements (FRAV) ; on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD) led by Canada, Japan and the Netherlands; on Cyber security and Software being led by the Japan, the UK and the USA, and a further group being led by Japan, the Netherlands and the USA is developing measures on data and data storage (EDR/DSSAD).
Two sub sessions will explore the future of highly automated driving guidelines and regulations around the world and the activities of the GRVA and its informal groups as follows:
Part A: How the UNECE is facilitating the introduction of automated vehicle technology?
Part B: Shaping the future – Are the tried-and-trusted approaches for standards and regulations suitable for a digital future?