- John PaddingtonInnovation Integration Lead (Public Sector)Transport for West Midlands
- Dino NardicchioHead of Automotive and AV PartnershipsCavnue
- Llewelyn MorganHead of InnovationOxfordshire County Council
- Birgit RudolphChairUNECE Group of Experts
- Joost VantommeCEOERTICO-ITS Europe
- Maria Cristina GalassiScientific Project OfficerEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Ongoing regulatory activities are aimed to provide the framework against which Automated Driving System (ADS) can be evaluated and certified. Advancements in that field will come hands in hands with other activities at various level (International, regional, national, local), providing the legal certainty for the operation of ADS UNECE has worked on Intelligent Transport Systems since 2008. The Inland Transport Committee adopted its first UNECE Roadmap on ITS in 2012. Since then, UNECE has advanced the field of ITS across the different modes of inland transport, such as ADAS and Automated Driving Systems for road transport, as well as smart shipping for inland waterways. In addition, ITS applications related to transport of dangerous goods, ITS for climate-change mitigation, and smart roads were also considered within a holistic approach.
Last year, the symposium’s first session included presentations about the activities of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) related to automated driving systems, over-the-air software updates, and cybersecurity management.
The first session of this years’ symposium will explore the coordination at various level for a harmonious implementation of Automated Driving Systems.