OPENING + SESSION 1: Will AI Controlled Automated Vehicles Be Safe for Road Users?
13 March 2023
13:00 - 16:00
The priority of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) is to extend the automotive regulatory framework to cover automated driving systems (ADS). In 2018, WP.29 created the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) to provide a global focus for technical regulation in this rapidly evolving area. Since 2018, the work of GRVA has been instrumental in providing the platform for WP.29 to adopt provisions for the type approval of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, regulations covering software updates (UN Regulation No. 156), the cyber security of road vehicles (UN Regulation No. 155), and UN Regulation No. 157 covering systems providing conditional automation on motorways. These new regulations are setting the international baseline for the implementation of these new technologies. WP.29 and its GRVA subgroup continue to help the safe implementation of automated vehicles and systems.
Session 1 of FNC-2023 will review safety-related guidelines and regulatory developments, evaluating the performance of AI powering ADS, not only related to motorways, but also other use cases (e.g., urban driving conditions).