Stephane Buffat

Stephane Buffat

Stephane Buffat is the director of the LAB, the Laboratory of Accidentology, Biomechanics and driver behaviour. The LAB belongs to the economic interest group of Stellantis and Renault. He coordinates collaborative and industrial research actions to observe, analyze and anticipate real safety issues for the French passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturers. He is also the Expert Leader in road safety for the Renault Group.

Before joining the LAB and the automotive industry, Stephane spent 30 years in the French military health services, first as a flight surgeon, then as a researcher in Human Factors in the Institute of Military Biomedical Research of Bretigny Sur Orge. He deployed his expertise on civilian and military aircraft certification and participated in the redaction of references in aviation certification for the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). He actively participated in creating a CNRS Research Unit in behaviour quantification and a Carnot Institute named Institute of Cognition.

Stephane likes to share his experiences on good practice and teaches several master’s courses at Université de Paris.

Speaker Details
  • Company
    the LAB (the Laboratory of Accidentology, Biomechanics and driver behaviour)
  • Profession