Ganesh Jayaram

Ganesh Jayaram

Ganesh Jayaram has a background in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with several years of experience at various automotive OEMs like Renault Nissan, Toyota, MercedesBenz, Geely(Lotus).

Today, he is working at CARIAD, A Volkswagen Group Company and represents it as the Technology cluster leader in the field of Hardware, Semiconductors and Intelligent Transport Systems for Standardization, External Regulations, Laws and Policy topics.

Before joining CARIAD, Ganesh has been working on various fields in automotive developing safety critical components, handling regulations, software quality assurance and process compliance topics. He is an active member of the Joint Working Committee for Intelligent Transport Systems from DIN.(Deutsches Institut für Normung) Additionally he contributes to working groups on Semiconductors, Intelligent Transport Systems, Software Defined Vehicles(SDV) within Germany’s digital association Bitkom. He also represents CARIAD at various other standardization and external regulation bodies.

Speaker Details
  • Company
    CARIAD(A Volkswagen Group Company)
  • Profession
    Senior Public Affairs Strategist